Warning: uasort(): Array was modified by the user comparison function in /home/usamsm/www/components/com_joomleague/helpers/ranking.php on line 863

Warning: uasort(): Array was modified by the user comparison function in /home/usamsm/www/components/com_joomleague/helpers/ranking.php on line 863

Warning: uasort(): Array was modified by the user comparison function in /home/usamsm/www/components/com_joomleague/helpers/ranking.php on line 863

Warning: uasort(): Array was modified by the user comparison function in /home/usamsm/www/components/com_joomleague/helpers/ranking.php on line 863

Warning: uasort(): Array was modified by the user comparison function in /home/usamsm/www/components/com_joomleague/helpers/ranking.php on line 863

Warning: uasort(): Array was modified by the user comparison function in /home/usamsm/www/components/com_joomleague/helpers/ranking.php on line 863
Infos de l'équipe: VIRY | C F A(13-14)

Adresse : VIRY, 3 rue POLONCEAU, 91170 VIRY CHATILLON 
Téléphone : 01 69 05 24 03
Nom du club : User 'usamsmnew' has exceeded the 'max_questions' resource (current value: 64000) SQL=INSERT INTO `n2i3x_session` (`session_id`, `client_id`, `time`) VALUES ('3aa35b93e6c5bc21e21df9b8c37dbb40', 0, '1740730794')